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Fat MILF alien sex comic - part 5

The story so far... The escaped prisoners of Prison Ship X have found their chubby captor is quite enjoying the rough forced sex they thought to punisher with. But now it's the turn of human-hating green alien Vis Sineparis, who has a three foot long penis. Surprisingly game for anything, Leesuh's about to suck off more than she can handle... Is this the end for Leesuh?  

Fat MILF alien sex comic - part 4

The story so far... Fat ass space MILF Leesuh Lasersson has been left in sole charge of a prison ship which is being decommissioned, its last four prisoners the galaxy's most notorious sex criminals. After she has once again teased them with the sight of her huge, naked butt and smell of her wet, needy pussy, they escape and teach her a lesson, turning the guard's own shock gun on her big fat buttocks. Now she has no choice in becoming their sex toy...  

Fat MILF alien sex comic - part 3

 The story so far... Just days before Prison Ship X is due to be decommissioned and its rapist convicts transferred, the ship's last remaining guard, Leesuh Lasersson amuses herself by teasing the prisoners. As she parades her mature fat ass in front of them, she sees that one of them is aroused and gets a little too close to the bars... now she's at the escaped cons' mercy, but just what will they do to those huge pink buttocks?   

Fat MILF alien sex comic - part 2

The story so far... Plump MILF prison guard Leesuh Lasersson has been left in sole charge of some of the galaxy's worst sex criminals, and decides to have some fun taunting them with her big naked ass. They can't get to her, they're behind bars, right?

Fat MILF alien sex comic - part 1

A new series, Prison Ship X!A chubby, sex-hungry MILF is left in charge of a prison ship full of alien sex offenders, and it's not long before her big fat ass drives them to escape and let out their frustrations on the hapless mature slut.
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