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Fat MILF Ponygirl Humiliation - Part 8

The story so far... a naughty fat nurse has been caught out stealing from a patient, and was hoodwinked into becoming a ponygirl for a day. Well, it seems that arrangement is going to be a little more permanent while the bad woman pays for her crime in pony servitude.

Fat MILF Ponygirl Humiliation - Part 7

The story so far... naughty fat mom Suzy agreed to be a ponygirl for a day to get into a dead old codger's will... that old codger turns out to be alive, and it seems Suzy's signed herself over to more than just a day of pony servitude. Two months on and the fuckable fat wench has been shaved, pierced and bound up like a butterball turkey... what more humiliation is in store for her?

Fat MILF Ponygirl Humiliation - Part 6

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Fat MILF Ponygirl Humiliation - Part 5

The story so far... bad BBW MILF Suzy Bottomley has signed up to be a ponygirl for a day. After a vigorous workout and deserved thrashing, it's back to the stables for some well earned rest... but there's no rest for the wicked!

Fat MILF Ponygirl Humiliation - part 4

The story so far... wife, mom and nurse Suzy Bottomley is also a fat whore who steals from her patients. When one of them dies, she's set to receive  money from his will provided she becomes a ponygirl for a day... arriving at the  stables, she's kitted out in ponygirl paraphernalia  ready for a good work-out.

Fat MILF ponygirl humiliation - part 3

The story so far... fat nurse Suzy Bottomley sucks off old men and steals from them. When the latest recipient of her eager mouth and sticky fingers dies, Suzy finds out she could get money from his will, but at a price... becoming a ponygirl!

Fat MILF Ponygirl Humiliation - part 2

The story so far... buxom middle aged district nurse Suzanne Bottomley does rather more for some patients than change their catheters... in particular one John W D'Arcy, an old codger in a huge house who likes a bit of slap and tickle with his big bottomed nurse...
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